The Bursar’s Office is responsible for the assessment and collection of tuition and fees for the university.

The mission of the Bursar at the University of Texas at Dallas is to handle all financial transactions involving students, faculty and staff as efficiently and accurately as possible, while always providing our customers with the highest level of respectful and excellent customer service.

We hope the information within this website will help you understand the functions of the Bursar Office and will assist students in meeting their financial responsibilities at The University of Texas at Dallas. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.


Make a payment

EZPay login for Students EZPay Login for authorized Users

The Bursar Office is not open for in person transactions. Please take advantage of our online services to facilitate making payment or visit our webpages to obtain information. If you are unable to find the information you are seeking, we are certainly available for assistance by emailing or calling us at 972-883-2612.

Spring 2025 Payment Deadlines:

  • Wednesday, April 09, 2025 – 3rd installment payment plan deadline

Please make payment by the applicable deadlines above or set up a payment plan to avoid late fee assessment or possible cancellation of classes.


Tuition Insurance:

Protect your investment in your higher education. Purchase tuition insurance and know that you can be fully reimbursed in the event you must completely withdraw from classes due to covered medical reasons.


1098T Forms

1098T Forms for 2024 are available through EZPay or the Heartland ECSI website Opens in a new tab..


Tuition Statements

Tuition Statements are available through the Galaxy portal.


Need to make a payment?

Visit our payment options section for an explanation of all of our accepted payment methods and payment plans.

Want to see the refunds that have been created for you?

Email us:

(972) 883-2612


9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Monday – Friday
Mailing Address:
800 W. Campbell Rd., SP2 20
Richardson, TX 75080-3021

The Bursar Office is not open for in person transactions.